How to choose the best wireless headphones for your kids

Selecting wireless school headphones for your kids can feel like an uphill battle. They can be pricey and a risky investment when only usable by kids. After all, you’ve had that old set sitting unused for a few years now, so why can’t they just use those? Unfortunately, adult headphones can have damaging effects on children’s hearing and aren’t comfortable for children with long-term use. Read on to learn more about what to look for when selecting wireless headphones for your children.

Why Can’t Kids Use Adult Wireless Headphones?

Headphone technology is ever-growing, and people are quick to get new models as they come out. With this dedication to having the latest technology, many people find they quickly accumulate multiple pairs of headphones in their homes. When their child is in need of a new set of headphones, it can be tempting to give them an older set made for adults. There are three prime reasons parents shouldn’t do this: volume control, durability, and comfort.

Volume Control

Adult headphones can become quite loud, with most models topping out at around 110 decibels. This sound level is much too loud for children, who shouldn’t exceed 85 decibels (and even extended listening at that level can cause hearing damage). Wireless headphones made for children have built-in noise-reduction volume controls to protect children’s hearing.


Let’s be honest, children tend to be rather rough on their belongings, and headphones can be delicate pieces of equipment. With little parts and nooks and crannies, adult headphones really can’t withstand the rough and tumble handling children will subject them to.  Wireless children’s headphones are made of more durable materials with larger construction to ensure they last.


Adult headphones are (hopefully) pretty comfortable on adult heads, but this doesn’t mean they are comfortable on kids. Most wireless school headphones will have extra padding on the headband and ear cups to ensure they can be comfortably worn all day long by younger listeners.

Our Top Recommendation



This wireless headphone provides K-12 students with up to 19 hours of listening time between charges. Fully charged after 5.5 hours, these headphones won’t leave little ones waiting hours to use them. These headphones connect directly to a wireless learning system, allowing students to easily change stations as necessary to connect to the learning system utilized by their instructor. Finally, the superb sound quality doesn’t require wires, meaning students won’t have any interference or worry about tripping when using them.

Choosing wireless headphones for children is simple when you realize you’re looking for durable headphones that are both comfortable and feature volume control for children’s ears. Need help selecting the right wireless headphones? Contact us today for a free consultation.